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Artikli nr 691-20
€ 42,39
Hind KM-ga
Artikli nr 8737-20
€ 33,89
Hind KM-ga
Artikli nr 8738-20
€ 40,29
Hind KM-ga
Artikli nr 8739-20
€ 49,79
Hind KM-ga
Artikli nr 8742-20
€ 35,99
Hind KM-ga
Artikli nr 8743-20
€ 46,59
Hind KM-ga
Artikli nr 6006-20
€ 13,79
Hind KM-ga
Artikli nr 14790-55
€ 179,99
Hind KM-ga
Artikli nr 5358-20
€ 10,39
Hind KM-ga

Suur valik mitmeotstarbelisi kokkupandavaid saage

Gardena lockable hand saw

Handy multi-purpose Folding Saws

The new GARDENA Garden Saws have a lockable saw blade for three different types of sawing angles depending on use. They come in two models in different lengths - for either one-hand or two-hand operation. The handle has soft components for a firm grip, and a stopper that prevents slipping when pulling back. The blade can be folded and has a thumb hole for easy opening and closing.

A man cutting a branch with a Gardena saw in a tree with a telescopic handle

Tree Care Saws – attach a combisystem handle and reach anywhere on the tree

Can be used with or without a combisystem handle for a diverse range of applications. Especially efficient for tree pruning, and a hook at the blade point offers easy removal of cut-off branches. All combisystem Saws are equipped with a safety clasp for a secure work experience when connected to a handle.

Gardena Bow saw

Bow Saws – light and robust

Impulse-hardened and rustproof saw blade with fine cut teeth, which is optimally suited for fresh and dry wood. The tip of the bow is pointed for problem-free and safe work in narrow areas. The blade can be easily and quickly replaced without tools.

Range of Gardena garden saws

Flexible and reliable

GARDENA Gardening Saws are made from quality materials and are robust enough to tackle the tree and shrub cutting that smaller tools struggle with.


Garden inspiration

Lõikepead GARDENA AssistCut'iga

Õige lõikus tagab hea saagi

Isegi 6–8-aastaste noorte puude puhul soodustab talvine pügamine kasvu ja on puu edasise kuju jaoks ülioluline. Lisateave puude lõikamiseks sobivate kuude kohta.
hekkide lõikamine


Pärast eelmist GARDENA uudiskirja saime palju päringuid sügisese trimmimise kohta. Me ei saa siin asendada ekspertide käsiraamatut. Siiski tahaksime anda mõned kasulikud näpunäited.
põõsaste hooldus

Puude ja põõsaste istutusperioodi algus

Sügis või kevad? Millal on puude ja põõsaste optimaalne istutusperiood? Me küsime endalt seda küsimust igal aastal. Püüame selgitada mõningaid põhitegureid.