Säästke vett ja aega, kuid teie aed õitseb
Kas ka teie unistate elujõulises ja õitsevas oaasis lõõgastumisest, kuid näib, et kulutate kogu oma aja aia kastmisele? Automaatne kastmine vastus teie aiandusunistuste elluviimiseks. Meie automaatne kastmissüsteem hoolitseb teie ja teie aia eest. Ükskõik, kas soovite kasta lillepotte terrassil, köögiviljapeenraid oma kasvuhoones või muru oma tagaaeda. Meie uuenduslik, kohandatav ja veesäästlik valik töötab koos teiega.
Mõistlik ja tõhus kastmine kõikidele aiapiirkondadele
Euroopas nr 1 kastmisbrändina ja oma pika ajalooga pakub GARDENA teie kastmisvajadustele õiget lahendust. Pole tähtis, kas elate linnas korteris või maal aiaga majas, meie tootevalik katab kõik kasutusvajadused maja erinevates piirkondades: terrass ja aed (sh hekid, lillepeenrad, köögiviljapeenrad, muru). Kastke kõiki oma aia piirkondi mõistlikult ja tõhusalt.
Balcony & Terrace
Potted plants need watering more frequently than beds or bushes. The reason: there’s less soil available to absorb and store the water. This makes daily watering compulsory. Precise watering with GARDENA Micro-Drip-System and its range of drip heads provides just the right care for your potted plants and planters to blossom.
Quenching the insatiable thirst of your flower borders and vegetable beds. Consisting of over 90 % water, they need generous amounts of water to thrive, especially during the hot summer months. Discover the GARDENA Micro-Drip-System with range of spray nozzles and drip heads for your beds to thrive.
The Micro-Drip-System provides continuous, regulated and efficient irrigation of your hedges and plant rows. Root watering with pinpoint accuracy using drip lines will keep roots moist with just the right amount of water. You can lay the drip irrigation line above or below ground; both options work.
Lawns are real water guzzlers. Although grasses rank among the sun worshippers, they drink a lot too and can deteriorate quickly during hot and dry summer months. GARDENA Sprinklersystem is the ideal lawn irrigation solution to achieve a green and lush lawn at all times. This convenient and water-efficient underground installation with Pop-up Sprinklers is suitable for small to large gardens.
Underground Water Network
Using a garden hose or watering can are the traditional ways to water your garden; but modern technology has transformed the world of garden irrigation. Thanks to Pipeline, even remote areas of your garden will receive just the right care for them to blossom to their fullest potential; without tugging or rolling up a hose or dragging water.