Tree and Shrub Care

Tree and Shrub Care

Pruning, trimming and cutting is vital for healthy maintenance over the Winter months and for inspiring beautiful blooms come Spring.

18V POWER FOR ALL Battery System

AssistCut Secateurs

Up to 1400 battery supported cuts. 5 times extra power! Intelligent sensor.

Eco Friendly Gardening Tips

Eco Friendly Gardening Tips

Gardening tools allow you to work efficiently. Mindful consumption and sustainable solutions allow you to work smartly.


Discover the world of gardening with GARDENA

Get inspiring ideas and tips on how to create the garden of your dreams.


ONE battery system for all tasks in your garden. Passion powered by GARDENA

Switch one battery easily between different products and applications, for all battery products under the Power for All Alliance range.


The water-based cleaning system you can mix and match.

Versatile, flexible and water-connected. Simply "click" and connect the GARDENA CleanSystem to your garden hose for excellent outdoor cleaning results.