Fighting against aphids on roses: The best methods
- Aiaelu
- Aiandus
- Aiandusajakiri
- Võitlus lehetäide vastu roosidel: parimad meetodid
Juuni on roosikuu. Aiandusringkondades nimetatakse seda kuud ka "roosikuuks", kuna roosid õitsevad kõige kaunimalt juunis. Et teie roosid jõuaksid selle õitsemise tippu, peaksite taimi kaitsma kahjurite, näiteks lehetäide eest. Aprillist maini paljunevad lehetäide tohutult kuivade ja kuumade ilmastikutingimuste tõttu. Lehetäide tekitatud kahjustustele on tüüpilised deformeerunud, värvimuutused ja kleepuvad, läikivad lehed. See kahjustus tekib siis, kui lehetäide sisestab oma särgi taime, et jõuda mahla. Seejärel eritub see honeydew'na, mis soodustab musta koha seente ja teiste putukate sissetungi.
Prevention starts on procurement of your roses. Only buy healthy, strong plants. These must have a well-rooted ball, at least 3 propagation stems and healthy-looking green leaves.
For bare-rooted roses, undamaged propagation stems and as many fine hair roots as possible should be available. Strong growth is advantageous against pests.
Cultivation based on natural processes and different types of plant compilations (e.g. roses with lavender or onions) also help to prevent pests. Excessive amounts of fertiliser (with nitrogen) or water deficits promote aphid attacks. Please observe the planting and care guidelines when you buy your rose bushes.
Natural methods of control
Aphids have a whole series of natural enemies in the garden. These include ladybird larvae, ladybirds, lacewings, earwigs or also hoverflies. Deadwood corners, lacewing boxes or insect hotels provide beneficial organisms with a good opportunity of settling in your garden. When the range of food available is large, these aphid hunters can increase greatly in number, and the aphid infestation will be less severe. Ensure that you can provide the beneficial organisms with optimum conditions. An organised garden in which plant protection is constantly being used is not attractive for insects such as ladybirds.
If the infestation is small, collect aphids by hand or rinse them off with a strong jet of water. Repeat the procedure several times. After treatment, ensure good ventilation.
Soap solution: Mix 1 tablespoon of soap (unscented) with 1 litre of water. Spray the rose over several days with this mixture.
Stinging nettle decoction: Use over several days until the affected areas are free of aphids.
Remove badly damaged parts of the rose.
Neem: A natural pesticide. Spray roses with Neem. This inhibits egg-laying and thus prevents progeny. Use as early on as possible.
Use chemical pesticide according to the instructions. It penetrates the plant and is adsorbed by the aphids via the sap. Only use in exceptional cases as such pesticides damage the environment.