Pressure Sprayers

Tender plant care with fine-mist fertilizing, plant protection and irrigation.
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Versatile sprayers for garden and household

A Gardena Soft Sprayer with some seedlings on a windowsill

Grow your own

The first green of a seedling is always a beautiful sight. With the appropriate irrigation by the Soft Sprayer from GARDENA cultivation will certainly sprout with success. The Soft Sprayer enables you to supply your seedlings with water in a targeted and gentle manner through drip or spray irrigation, which also prevents the small plants and soil from being washed out.

A gardena Pump sprayer watering an Orchid

Mindful plant care

Quickly supplying your plants flowers with water - this works perfectly again and again with the Pump Sprayers from GARDENA. The Pump Sprayers are quick and easy to use inside your home as well as on your balcony or in the garden.

A man spraying a tree with a portable Gardena Pressure Sprayer

Battery operated

The EasyPump model from GARDENA is ideal for spraying flowers, plants and shrubs. Powered by the integrated lithium-ion battery to allows spraying without pumping, as a permanently constant pressure is generated in the container.

 A person filling a Gardena Pressure Sprayer with water from a bucket

Sustainable plant care

For making your own organic plant treatments, recipes and the corresponding nylon filter are included with the appliance. Using this filter it is simple to strain the brew.


A person filling water into a Gardena Pressure Sprayer

Sustainable plant care

Discover more about making homemade mixtures. Suitable recipes for organic and sustainable brews are available here.

Garden inspiration

using own fertilizer

Simplicity from nature: Make your own fertilizer

If you want an abundance of colourful flowers or a bumper crop of home-grown vegetables in your garden, fertilizer is a must. Here are some useful tips to make your own.

Fighting against aphids on roses: The best methods

In gardening circles, the “rose month” is where the roses blossom is the most beautifully. So that your roses reach this peak flowering period, you should protect the plants against pests such as aphids.
wonderful garden

Gardening for beginners - a quick guide

Everyone nurtures dreams of a beautiful, lush, green garden. But then reality comes knocking and the lack of time and insufficient funds tear the dream down.