A man using a GARDENA branch pruner

Tree and Shrub Care

Bushes and trees have their own personality, character and look; and can compliment every type and size garden. Pruning, trimming, cutting and sawing become a major part of their development – with careful planning and regular care you can help your trees flourish.


Shaping up your hedges 

Hedges frame the garden. These living walls are ideal for dividing property or adding visual accents through artistic shapes. Trimming is vital for healthy and dense hedges – and can be done manually or by help of electric or battery-driven hedge trimmers.

A young woman using her GARDENA electric hedge trimmer

Hedge Trimmers

Whether shrubs or boxwoods, small or large hedges, GARDENA has the right hedge trimmers for almost all requirements and gardens.
A person using a GARDENA shrub shear

Shrub Shears

Cable-free and easy to manoeuvre, the lightweight GARDENA battery shrub shears are optimally suited for contouring and shaping hedges in an exact and easy way.
A man using a GARDENA hedge clipper

Hedge Clippers

Whether for exact shaping or for large-scale cutting back; each product is optimised for its intended purpose and is designed for the needs of the user.


Take a little extra time on pruning your trees and bushes. Cutting flowers or pruning bushes or trees is essential for the vitality of the plants. Pruning helps plants to use their energy in a more productive way. Depending on the branches that need to be cut, different cutting tools can be helpful: Secateurs for flowers and thin branches, loppers and tree pruners for bushes and trees.

A person using GARDENA Secateurs


A clear range structure, well-thought-out ergonomics, compelling quality and product features have made the GARDENA range so successful.
A man cutting off a branch from a tree with a GARDENA lopper


The GARDENA Loppers are all robust, long lasting, but still lightweight products that offer the best cutting performance.
A man cutting off a branch from a tree with a GARDENA chainsaw

Tree Pruners

Get everywhere without getting tangled up! Exact, precise cutting, also in treetops. Without a ladder, working safely and comfortably from the ground.


Chop that wood! If pruning loppers are not strong enough to get your trees in shape, GARDENA's hand saws are the right choice. They can even be used at great heights using one of the GARDENA combisystem handles. For more demanding tasks or for making fire wood, GARDENA axes are recommended.

The GARDENA Garden saws range

Garden saws

Extremly flexible and reliable garden saws for universal use on trees and shrubs.
A man chopping wood with a GARDENA axe


GARDENA axes have been developed to felling, splitting, de-branching or hewing - and there is an axe for any need.