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A look back at GARDENA at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show

GARDENA is excited to announce that it will return to the RHS Chelsea Flower Show, collaborating with sustainability ambassador Lynne Lambourne for the third consecutive year. In previous years we have created spaces to inspire gardeners to ReThink the way they use their outdoor spaces. 

In 2022, we looked back on the environmental changes have impacted our planet, and how nature can reclaim industrial spaces. In 2023, we wanted to show people how, by working together and making more eco-conscious decisions and using recycled materials, you can create a beautiful outdoor space for you and your loved ones, without costing the earth.

This year's inspiration behind the GARDENA garden is all about resilience, and learning to grow with GARDENA. We want to encourage people to again, ReThink the way they use their gardens, to create resilience spaces to help tackle the climate crisis, right down to the plants used, and how to care for them.


Grow with GARDENA - the resilient garden

As a brand that is passionate about sustainability and creating and caring for green spaces, GARDENA recognises the need to create more resilient gardens. But what is resilient gardening? Creating a resilient outdoor space, doesn't need to be extreme or costly. It is about creating an outdoor space that is equipped and ready to face extreme weather, such as droughts or excessive rainfall.  GARDENA's Chelsea garden will showcase native plants that are perfect for pollinators, encouraging biodiversity. The garden will also highlight how you can care for your garden more sustainably, using the right tools. 

With over 50 years of experience in creating innovative watering products, GARDENA has a range of water harvesting, and water-saving irrigation solutions that make it easy to save water, time and effort. 

The garden will be cared for using the super-efficient Micro-Drip Systems, battery rainwater pump, and smart systems that cleverly communicate with each other to tell you when, and how much water your plants need to thrive.  

Want to save time, water and effort while promoting healthy plant growth this Summer? Click here to discover GARDENA's Micro-Drip Systems. 

CFS 2024UK

An immersive experience - plant a seed at Chelsea

This year, GARDENA aims to not only inspire, but to educate visitors to the RHS Chelsea Flower Show about resilient gardening. The garden will feature an interactive area, where attendees will be encouraged to try their hand at seed planting, with expert tips and advice from passionate gardeners. Visitors will have the opportunity to plant a pumpkin seed to take away with them to grow at home. 

2024 is the year to Grow With GARDENA; whether you're growing your own produce at home, personal growth or growing as a community of passionate gardeners; we believe that everyone, no matter your experience or skill set, can be inspired by GARDENA's Chelsea garden to grow.

Speaking about the garden, designer, sustainability ambassador and warrior on waste, Lynne Lambourne said: "This year’s collaboration with GARDENA advocates for the transformative potential of green spaces. It will be an immersive experience that goes beyond observation and serves as a platform for knowledge-sharing and community-building and our hope is that every guest leaves inspired.”


Top tips to create your own resilient garden

1. No-dig gardening - minimising disruption helps to promote healthy soil, minimises weed seed germination and is good for wildlife such as earth worms. By implementing a no-dig approach in your beds and gardens, it also reduces the amount of carbon emitted into the air; check out GARDENA's brand ambassador, Huw Richards approach to no-dig gardens here.

2. Rainwater harvesting - setting up your own rainwater harvesting system is not only beneficial to the environment, but also to your plants, as rainwater has less calcium content and therefore helps promote healthy plant growth. 

3.  Planting is key - for a truly resilient garden, it's important to carefully consider the plants within it. Native plants are already accustomed to the UK climate, so do not need excess water or sunshine to thrive. Consider planting pollinators such as alliums, bluebells and primrose are perfect for attracting bees and butterflies.

4. Mulch mulch mulch - using organic mulch such as grass clippings, bark and leaf mould are perfect bio-degradable mulches that help the plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds and regulate the soils temperature. 

5. Spread the word - knowledge is key, share your top tips for resilient gardening with neighbours, friends, family, or community of passionate gardeners to inspire others to create  gardens that are ready to thrive. 


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