Forgot PIN Code?
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- Forgot PIN Code?
Don’t worry we can get your PIN code back.
In order to be able to decrypt the PIN code, we need the security code and the serial number of your robotic lawnmower. This security code can be read out via USB cable using our update tool.
Instructions for connecting the software and robotic lawnmower can be found on the website by clicking on the link. Please follow the steps 1, 2 and 3.
A window "Retrieve lost PIN code" appears at the bottom left. There you will find the serial number and the "encrypted PIN code" (security code) of your robotic lawnmower. Please copy the serial number and security code into the PIN code form.
In order to be able to rule out theft, we need the purchase receipt or the invoice for your robotic lawnmower or optionally the product registration key (PRK code) from you. If neither is available, we ask you for a photo of your identity card (front and back).
Please sent us all the required information and we will encrypt the PIN code for you.